Monday, January 16, 2012

so she proved me right after all

I said "Italian women make the best friends

the best lovers

and the worst enemies"

and she got all indignant

and disagreed with me

with the simple-mindedness of a privileged

and anointed princess courted

by the wastrels and various other losers

and displayed each of those qualities

she denied were true

sad Paola what will you do when Reality upturns

your world?

ah you will probably hand on your feet

God seems to have a soft spot for mala feminina

even if to save them for a worse fate

such as a comfortable end of life in the world

and after passing over

the sucker punch of judgment

I wish you nothing untoward

that is one fate we all share....

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito.

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