kiss me as much and as often as you will
my kisses are sweet as your kisses receive
the lips that have cried out in pain
but now are calm and precise
with the acceptance of a life of error
redeemed by the awakening
that joins our kisses and embraces
into one great acquiescence of all of life as it is
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
happy is the one
who has learned
to say to hell with
all grief and punishment
if my life
is in my own hands
then damn it I'll make do
despite what God has in mind for me
it will be accommodated and factored into
whatever fate ties me to my identity
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
who has learned
to say to hell with
all grief and punishment
if my life
is in my own hands
then damn it I'll make do
despite what God has in mind for me
it will be accommodated and factored into
whatever fate ties me to my identity
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Friday, February 27, 2015
having you beside me is like having
another weight tied to my ankle
it took push coming to shove
to make me realize my delusions
that in good times we are strong and together
but when things go rough it's every asshole for himself
and having a faith that turned bogus
I have myself to blame for sinking deeper into the shit
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
another weight tied to my ankle
it took push coming to shove
to make me realize my delusions
that in good times we are strong and together
but when things go rough it's every asshole for himself
and having a faith that turned bogus
I have myself to blame for sinking deeper into the shit
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
tomorrow ends 62 laps around the pool
it benefits me not
those who claim to love me so well
may construct their own ideas of who I am
those who hate me on sight
or love me but not quite enough
can hide in their own mis-imaginings
but it will do them as ill as their falsity
did to me
I'm not holding a grudge
we all face our reckonings sooner or later
but don't make a fetish of it
you are not favored above all others
and every time you notch your belt
you'll just meeting your own self
learn it now while you can
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
it benefits me not
those who claim to love me so well
may construct their own ideas of who I am
those who hate me on sight
or love me but not quite enough
can hide in their own mis-imaginings
but it will do them as ill as their falsity
did to me
I'm not holding a grudge
we all face our reckonings sooner or later
but don't make a fetish of it
you are not favored above all others
and every time you notch your belt
you'll just meeting your own self
learn it now while you can
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
whoever's looking
through my eyes
must be wondering
"what the fuck?
"is he really going
"to go cross-eyed again
"at the folly of his fellows
"while sinking with them
"into the same flaming pit of passion?
"is he really going to go all shiny
"at her or another's full breasts
"nipples winking like cheap come-ons?
"is he yet again going to peek
"behind the veil and go stark raving blind
"yammering some gibberish
"about blindingly white corridors
"and lit entities like conch lights
"along those immaculate halls? or will he finally
"close his eyes and see beyond
"all limits of vision?"
and there's the rub...whoever's looking though
my eyes has seen it all before....
Content (c) Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
through my eyes
must be wondering
"what the fuck?
"is he really going
"to go cross-eyed again
"at the folly of his fellows
"while sinking with them
"into the same flaming pit of passion?
"is he really going to go all shiny
"at her or another's full breasts
"nipples winking like cheap come-ons?
"is he yet again going to peek
"behind the veil and go stark raving blind
"yammering some gibberish
"about blindingly white corridors
"and lit entities like conch lights
"along those immaculate halls? or will he finally
"close his eyes and see beyond
"all limits of vision?"
and there's the rub...whoever's looking though
my eyes has seen it all before....
Content (c) Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the stillness
of the misty nightwood
quarter moon smudge
on the red velvet sky
no sound
but the hiss of blood
through the ears
and it is easy to see
how time breaks and fades
on eternity
until we come back to ourselves
then the misty wood
is just chill and moist
and the moon disappears
behind clouds
and a peacock cries out as if in pain
and again each of us is alone....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
of the misty nightwood
quarter moon smudge
on the red velvet sky
no sound
but the hiss of blood
through the ears
and it is easy to see
how time breaks and fades
on eternity
until we come back to ourselves
then the misty wood
is just chill and moist
and the moon disappears
behind clouds
and a peacock cries out as if in pain
and again each of us is alone....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
all rebels see themselves
in all they oppose
and make their own downfalls
more painful for the pride
unlike the smugly complacent
who see themselves as blameless
and thus lose their individual natures
in a bland but vicious herding
that denies all ascent...
oh I would take all action
required of active ongoing life
knowing I would damn myself
for all the blessings I'd incur...
all of us bucking at shadows of the stars....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
in all they oppose
and make their own downfalls
more painful for the pride
unlike the smugly complacent
who see themselves as blameless
and thus lose their individual natures
in a bland but vicious herding
that denies all ascent...
oh I would take all action
required of active ongoing life
knowing I would damn myself
for all the blessings I'd incur...
all of us bucking at shadows of the stars....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
getting out at a good time
our freedoms are gone
our lives are controlled
and truth just an inconvenience
and an obstacle to business
those who would hold our souls
to the world are in full command
and they do it by making the unenlightened
think that they entitled to some bogus notion of liberty
but why bother saying anything to anyone
when each's reality is its own thing?
may the few who won't buy into all this find help and mercy
and as for me it's the best time to leave
and you wonder why I've been waiting for the grave to open
like a door leading out of here?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
our freedoms are gone
our lives are controlled
and truth just an inconvenience
and an obstacle to business
those who would hold our souls
to the world are in full command
and they do it by making the unenlightened
think that they entitled to some bogus notion of liberty
but why bother saying anything to anyone
when each's reality is its own thing?
may the few who won't buy into all this find help and mercy
and as for me it's the best time to leave
and you wonder why I've been waiting for the grave to open
like a door leading out of here?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I've broken my own heart
and diminished my own soul
for the sake of one who knows
no mercy or forgiveness
you heave bogus praise
on some force that can't be satisfied
you waste what little life you have left
I'm going to heal in the numbness of my own submission
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and diminished my own soul
for the sake of one who knows
no mercy or forgiveness
you heave bogus praise
on some force that can't be satisfied
you waste what little life you have left
I'm going to heal in the numbness of my own submission
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
don't be a fool like I was
don't wander the desert to face down
the demons of your selves
affirm the herd
sheep are only torn by the wolves
who come from out of the wilderness
to feed on easy prey
stay in your rooms and cubicles
stay in your cold dark cells
better that than to burn unmercifully
in the unendurable blaze of the Light
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
don't wander the desert to face down
the demons of your selves
affirm the herd
sheep are only torn by the wolves
who come from out of the wilderness
to feed on easy prey
stay in your rooms and cubicles
stay in your cold dark cells
better that than to burn unmercifully
in the unendurable blaze of the Light
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
broken bogus beliefs
and shattered false faith
leave you empty and naked
in the eye of a stoic Source
that in its own vanity
cares more for its fulfillment
than for the lives of its creatures
when you wake up to this reality
you'll wish with your whole being
that you were dead
I know I try my best to do
what I imagine is the right thing
but it gains nothing for me or for those
I thought I was helping
when this Source posits its creation
this stumblebum riot of unending loss
you'll know you're at its mercy
and whether you live or die will have nothing to do
with what you thought was a love of god
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and shattered false faith
leave you empty and naked
in the eye of a stoic Source
that in its own vanity
cares more for its fulfillment
than for the lives of its creatures
when you wake up to this reality
you'll wish with your whole being
that you were dead
I know I try my best to do
what I imagine is the right thing
but it gains nothing for me or for those
I thought I was helping
when this Source posits its creation
this stumblebum riot of unending loss
you'll know you're at its mercy
and whether you live or die will have nothing to do
with what you thought was a love of god
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Monday, February 23, 2015
deserts as far as the eye can see
and a neon aurora dancing at a slight distance
the first (and so far last) time I saw Las Vegas
it was coming out of the desert
the night sky washing out as my travel companion and I
were rolling in for a $10 motel and a $3 breakfast
(this was a hell of a long time ago
you understand...)
it was like a bad sci-fi movie
some gofer's idea of Heinlein or Asimov
and just seven hours away from Santa Monica
to an early place where my life
would begin to fragment...
now when I think of it
it is more vivid than other memories to which I've clung
and to which I added onto my sad self-biography...
it means nothing now...Las Vegas and Santa Monica
so long ago that they sound like someone else's story...and are....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and a neon aurora dancing at a slight distance
the first (and so far last) time I saw Las Vegas
it was coming out of the desert
the night sky washing out as my travel companion and I
were rolling in for a $10 motel and a $3 breakfast
(this was a hell of a long time ago
you understand...)
it was like a bad sci-fi movie
some gofer's idea of Heinlein or Asimov
and just seven hours away from Santa Monica
to an early place where my life
would begin to fragment...
now when I think of it
it is more vivid than other memories to which I've clung
and to which I added onto my sad self-biography...
it means nothing now...Las Vegas and Santa Monica
so long ago that they sound like someone else's story...and are....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
balanced between futile hope
and definitive damage
how could one not go psycho
between aspiration to transcend
and the inevitability of failure
as all one is holds one back from
all one may become?
all one's intent is as nothing
all one's love and compassion
a joke to the indifferent universe
oh let all trying be rested and abandoned
let act in the instant call the shot
let imagination merge with the reality
and let the life stand as it is
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and definitive damage
how could one not go psycho
between aspiration to transcend
and the inevitability of failure
as all one is holds one back from
all one may become?
all one's intent is as nothing
all one's love and compassion
a joke to the indifferent universe
oh let all trying be rested and abandoned
let act in the instant call the shot
let imagination merge with the reality
and let the life stand as it is
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
don't wonder why I hate you so much
you're always ready to judge
but never ready to forgive and help
you sickening piece of shit
I know now why life sucks
but I'll be damned if I give you
more than you deserve
I don't care who you are or think you are
I will live free even if it means death to me
and if that's where it's at
then what am I missing? death at the hands of a divine psycho?
I will love as I
and death to all cops and priests and generals and presidents and kings...
death to all who espouse death...and life to all who love....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
you're always ready to judge
but never ready to forgive and help
you sickening piece of shit
I know now why life sucks
but I'll be damned if I give you
more than you deserve
I don't care who you are or think you are
I will live free even if it means death to me
and if that's where it's at
then what am I missing? death at the hands of a divine psycho?
I will love as I
and death to all cops and priests and generals and presidents and kings...
death to all who espouse death...and life to all who love....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I'm as free as I can be
in a creation that allows no freedom
where everything in entangled in a stifling net
damnable Source Of Life
that insists we live then kills us for doing so
fuck everything beyond my range
I will live fully in the instant
and gain eternity
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
in a creation that allows no freedom
where everything in entangled in a stifling net
damnable Source Of Life
that insists we live then kills us for doing so
fuck everything beyond my range
I will live fully in the instant
and gain eternity
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I'm empty
I'm clean
I don't care about God
I don't care about some asshole plan
that destroys us even when
we are bidden to repent
fuck all the assholes in life
who adhere to their evil righteousness
and think they are blessed above all others
damn you and the God who doesn't wish that you perish
if God is disgusting enough to demand repentance from us
then damn us because it is never good or perfect enough
then fuck the whole damn issue
you do what you know is right
you love and forgive even if God doesn't know how
and if killing us is all He is good for
then what does anything matter?
let God demand obedience (if he were so good
He wouldn't need to put a gun to our heads)
He will deserve to be alone at the culmination of creation
let Him learn His own lesson in humility
we are empty we are clean
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I'm clean
I don't care about God
I don't care about some asshole plan
that destroys us even when
we are bidden to repent
fuck all the assholes in life
who adhere to their evil righteousness
and think they are blessed above all others
damn you and the God who doesn't wish that you perish
if God is disgusting enough to demand repentance from us
then damn us because it is never good or perfect enough
then fuck the whole damn issue
you do what you know is right
you love and forgive even if God doesn't know how
and if killing us is all He is good for
then what does anything matter?
let God demand obedience (if he were so good
He wouldn't need to put a gun to our heads)
He will deserve to be alone at the culmination of creation
let Him learn His own lesson in humility
we are empty we are clean
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
fuck God
nothing we do is good enough for him
then the hell with him
and his psychotic power-mad plan
God does NOT forgive
but we do and if that's not good enough
let God be alone at the culmination of creation
maybe then he'll learn his own lesson in forgiveness and humility
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
nothing we do is good enough for him
then the hell with him
and his psychotic power-mad plan
God does NOT forgive
but we do and if that's not good enough
let God be alone at the culmination of creation
maybe then he'll learn his own lesson in forgiveness and humility
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
good-bye to Juan
good-bye to Conchita
I do not know where I'm bound
but if I meet you again on "God's Golden Shore"
it will be by goodness I never suspected
this is the meaning of "love and do
what you will and let God keep the books"
we have no freedom or control except over ourselves
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
good-bye to Conchita
I do not know where I'm bound
but if I meet you again on "God's Golden Shore"
it will be by goodness I never suspected
this is the meaning of "love and do
what you will and let God keep the books"
we have no freedom or control except over ourselves
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
there's nothing left to say
when you've run out your string
and the world still embraces its doom
we come into a world of generalities
and die off in our own particulars
and whatever we thought was salvation
is nothing of the kind
we speak our piece and it lingers for so short a while
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
when you've run out your string
and the world still embraces its doom
we come into a world of generalities
and die off in our own particulars
and whatever we thought was salvation
is nothing of the kind
we speak our piece and it lingers for so short a while
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
I've found what I was looking for
but lost it anyway
and I've lost the will to seek anything more
to replace what's gone away
what will come will surely go
be you near or far from it
and what you don't know is all you know
and that is all I take away from this
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
everyone's ready
to be helpful
everyone has a
hot idea for you
you'd be a fool to listen
but we're all sooooo sociable
hell even I'll contribute
if you want to hear it
(just to show I don't think
I'm better than anyone else)
and can still do as you please
but it will still be a gamble for you
you don't think I've lived as long as I have
following my own advice?
Content (c0 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
to be helpful
everyone has a
hot idea for you
you'd be a fool to listen
but we're all sooooo sociable
hell even I'll contribute
if you want to hear it
(just to show I don't think
I'm better than anyone else)
and can still do as you please
but it will still be a gamble for you
you don't think I've lived as long as I have
following my own advice?
Content (c0 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Friday, February 13, 2015
hang by a hair
climb up a strand
slide down a rope
fall off an end
land in your shit
hold up a hand
god turns away
so do all else
easy peasy sleazy scum
the best in humanity
make a risky move
if you succeed you're a hero
if you fail you're a goat
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
climb up a strand
slide down a rope
fall off an end
land in your shit
hold up a hand
god turns away
so do all else
easy peasy sleazy scum
the best in humanity
make a risky move
if you succeed you're a hero
if you fail you're a goat
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
memory restores the reality
that has been lost in its continuation
the matrix that give the underlying shape
to the deteriorating situation
but it needn't be that way with this reality
it needn't count every cost
for if memory restores the reality
then nothing's really lost
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
that has been lost in its continuation
the matrix that give the underlying shape
to the deteriorating situation
but it needn't be that way with this reality
it needn't count every cost
for if memory restores the reality
then nothing's really lost
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
I lived long enough to see my fall
the mockery of those who put me here
the self-hatred that allowed them to do so
under delusion of a creator's love
mercy and grace and forgiveness
shimmer like delirium dreams
in the sweat-soaked cot of a dying madman
seeing the reality dwarf his illusions
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the mockery of those who put me here
the self-hatred that allowed them to do so
under delusion of a creator's love
mercy and grace and forgiveness
shimmer like delirium dreams
in the sweat-soaked cot of a dying madman
seeing the reality dwarf his illusions
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and so women are the mystical
allurements of nature
stars of glittering eyes
clouds of inspiration
horizons the curves of their bodies
and so men the misshapen
images of the brute force that brought us forth
tending this reality with arms and legs
like rotten tree trunks and their spitting snakes
their heads and hearts like granite
and so this is the duality
that powers the cosmic swirl
of our fall from greater heights unimaginable
two wrongs making nothing right
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
allurements of nature
stars of glittering eyes
clouds of inspiration
horizons the curves of their bodies
and so men the misshapen
images of the brute force that brought us forth
tending this reality with arms and legs
like rotten tree trunks and their spitting snakes
their heads and hearts like granite
and so this is the duality
that powers the cosmic swirl
of our fall from greater heights unimaginable
two wrongs making nothing right
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
you are a goddess in disguise…and yet you are the ruin of all that men would attain…where are you when in the blank moment after orgasm all the world swirls around the bed to affirm your power…your majesty of sparks in the poor brain of the drone that serves you?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
about women there is no doubt…I love their fragrances…their smooth skins bereft of blemish…their lips are like nets dragging the poor fish in…the honeyed skin dragging the tongue down the taut belly to the hot dark swamps of their crotches where life and death merge in one flush moment of eternal flux…
oh even the least of them will tempt man to his doom and away from every imperative to rejoin the stars…but oh the stars with which he must reunite cannot be attained without the hot bed of the female flesh… the field of play where love and death join in one metempiric spasm of ecstasy…
oh the death that brings life…oh the joy that passeth beyond understanding….
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I'd kill you masters of the universe if I could get
enough bullets to do the job
but there's no amount of ammunition
that can take down those who tarnish the ideas
of honor and righteousness
with their unpunished (at least in this life) sins
for those of us who believe in goodness
we continuously find ourselves at the small end of the horn
while the wicked prosper (let's not bring god into this right now...
the gray areas of apprehension do enough damage
at our expense...) but sooner or later
enough people will wake up and realize what a shuck
the whole damn issue is...then watch the fur fly...
then watch the dividing of what's fair and what's foul....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
enough bullets to do the job
but there's no amount of ammunition
that can take down those who tarnish the ideas
of honor and righteousness
with their unpunished (at least in this life) sins
for those of us who believe in goodness
we continuously find ourselves at the small end of the horn
while the wicked prosper (let's not bring god into this right now...
the gray areas of apprehension do enough damage
at our expense...) but sooner or later
enough people will wake up and realize what a shuck
the whole damn issue is...then watch the fur fly...
then watch the dividing of what's fair and what's foul....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
maniacs spread terror around the world
and I'm with my fellow workers
trying to figure out how
to get out of my financial mess
engendered by the very assholes
who run the scams of this world
who'll give their agents of destruction immunity
while the rest of us die for their glory
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and I'm with my fellow workers
trying to figure out how
to get out of my financial mess
engendered by the very assholes
who run the scams of this world
who'll give their agents of destruction immunity
while the rest of us die for their glory
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
once you forgive yourself
for believing all kinds of bullshit
(including God's alleged "love")
you will feel so light and happy
that you'll wonder why
you spent so much years
content in the darkness
doubting your own abilities to mend your own ways
to hell with everything...
as long as you love yourself
you'll have love for everything and everyone else
and if there's a god that isn't about vengeance
and the hypocrisy of demanding what (H)e won't give
then you will be at One with All There Is...may we make it to that....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
for believing all kinds of bullshit
(including God's alleged "love")
you will feel so light and happy
that you'll wonder why
you spent so much years
content in the darkness
doubting your own abilities to mend your own ways
to hell with everything...
as long as you love yourself
you'll have love for everything and everyone else
and if there's a god that isn't about vengeance
and the hypocrisy of demanding what (H)e won't give
then you will be at One with All There Is...may we make it to that....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
hell doesn't end until we do
don't depend on God
God has done everything but all of it
is our fault...
yes the only expiation of sin and payment of karmic debt is
to endure the vengeance of the One...and I understand why...
any repentances amendments and atonements will never be good enough
because we lack the totally of the One
and if we can imagine what it is...that ain't it...
and since it concerns the selfishness of our egos we know (at least intellectually)
that "he who would save his life must lose it"
so we can do nothing but to endure these hells of ours...
what future hells to atone for the sins of this and previous lives
we might as well not address because we are not there yet
so this is the condition we call "human"
this is the world we've made for ourselves
and this is how we will die out and pass
and what comes next is in the hands of the unforgiving One....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
don't depend on God
God has done everything but all of it
is our fault...
yes the only expiation of sin and payment of karmic debt is
to endure the vengeance of the One...and I understand why...
any repentances amendments and atonements will never be good enough
because we lack the totally of the One
and if we can imagine what it is...that ain't it...
and since it concerns the selfishness of our egos we know (at least intellectually)
that "he who would save his life must lose it"
so we can do nothing but to endure these hells of ours...
what future hells to atone for the sins of this and previous lives
we might as well not address because we are not there yet
so this is the condition we call "human"
this is the world we've made for ourselves
and this is how we will die out and pass
and what comes next is in the hands of the unforgiving One....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
one is expected to rebuild one's self
and continue on the thorny path
but what if there is nothing left in one
upon which to build?
no pity no mercy from anyone included the One
on (as we say) high
and they will face their own comeuppances
but the One who doles out the punishments
will not care and one will just have to eat
hard cheese and have the failure added to their tab
some academic asshole decided as he sat at his breakfast
tea and toast that Kafka was not a major writer
because he does not espouse the canon as dictated by
the masters of our cultural vanguard
the jerk the imbecile the smug self-satisifed cog in the machinery
Kafka not a major writer? Kafka is the only "major" writer
who knew and expressed the horrible reality of the One's will
in this horrible world
oh the fools the shits the unmitigated assholes the rest of us
must suffer under because they'll never understand
how much a part of our worldly misery is their doing
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and continue on the thorny path
but what if there is nothing left in one
upon which to build?
no pity no mercy from anyone included the One
on (as we say) high
and they will face their own comeuppances
but the One who doles out the punishments
will not care and one will just have to eat
hard cheese and have the failure added to their tab
some academic asshole decided as he sat at his breakfast
tea and toast that Kafka was not a major writer
because he does not espouse the canon as dictated by
the masters of our cultural vanguard
the jerk the imbecile the smug self-satisifed cog in the machinery
Kafka not a major writer? Kafka is the only "major" writer
who knew and expressed the horrible reality of the One's will
in this horrible world
oh the fools the shits the unmitigated assholes the rest of us
must suffer under because they'll never understand
how much a part of our worldly misery is their doing
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Friday, February 6, 2015
if this generation of idiots wants to overrun my lands let 'em
my if I truly owned them
(real estate...what a filthy hustle...)
what is of the earth belongs to all
does this still have to be said?
let 'em run roughshod over everything
if they have no sense of propriety and know only
their own overblown sense of entitlement
then let 'em show their lack of quality
I'm almost done and ready to slip the bonds
and it's so hard to muster the negative energy
to build spite fences around my world
while it's so easy to slip away and let 'em
sink down into their own plots of mulch....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
my if I truly owned them
(real estate...what a filthy hustle...)
what is of the earth belongs to all
does this still have to be said?
let 'em run roughshod over everything
if they have no sense of propriety and know only
their own overblown sense of entitlement
then let 'em show their lack of quality
I'm almost done and ready to slip the bonds
and it's so hard to muster the negative energy
to build spite fences around my world
while it's so easy to slip away and let 'em
sink down into their own plots of mulch....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
With Shadows In The Night, Bob Dylan is closing yet another circle in his life and career. As with 1993's World Gone Wrong, Dylan has circled back to material that formed him. WGW brought him back to the roots of his art (and in itself, by sequencing and song selection, formed a discrete, distinct Dylan album in its own right.)
With Shadows, he has done this again, but with his own life. We have another distinct Dylan album in it's own right, with Dylan fully inhabiting these songs and making them his own. The themes of loss, regret and mortality have dominated his later periods, but reach a certain fruition here; this is Dylan at the fullness of age.
The quality of the album itself has had a predictable small amount of sniping, but those with ears to hear (a majority this time) acknowledge the the beautifully muted and concise arrangements, with Dylan (how does he do it?) giving his best singing in years...
Dylan's vitality as an artist, even now as he seems to be closing out all old accounts, remains strong and vital, matched by few great artists of age. For the ages, another keeper; for us in this living moment of its making, another gift from perhaps the greatest artist of the last half of the Twentieth century, and of the first half of the Twenty-First.
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
With Shadows, he has done this again, but with his own life. We have another distinct Dylan album in it's own right, with Dylan fully inhabiting these songs and making them his own. The themes of loss, regret and mortality have dominated his later periods, but reach a certain fruition here; this is Dylan at the fullness of age.
The quality of the album itself has had a predictable small amount of sniping, but those with ears to hear (a majority this time) acknowledge the the beautifully muted and concise arrangements, with Dylan (how does he do it?) giving his best singing in years...
Dylan's vitality as an artist, even now as he seems to be closing out all old accounts, remains strong and vital, matched by few great artists of age. For the ages, another keeper; for us in this living moment of its making, another gift from perhaps the greatest artist of the last half of the Twentieth century, and of the first half of the Twenty-First.
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
what good is a can opener
with a beer handy?
the existential worry of it...
good god what do I light my cigar with
without matches or a lighter?
heavens what aggravation...
what? a blackout? and my computer dead?
how do I live? what shall I do?
must I think for myself???
oh if only I knew what to do
with moonlight....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
with a beer handy?
the existential worry of it...
good god what do I light my cigar with
without matches or a lighter?
heavens what aggravation...
what? a blackout? and my computer dead?
how do I live? what shall I do?
must I think for myself???
oh if only I knew what to do
with moonlight....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
whatever happens to us is beyond our control
we do our best to be righteous
and get fucked for trying
that the Source of All Life is more evil
than any invented devil could be is only part
of what breaks the soul with responsibilities for atonement
God's own will will deny us and punish us for...
"Love and do what you will and let God keep the books"?
we might as well die and go to perdition right here and now...
who but a devil could tell us to repent and then punish us
because nothing we do will ever be good enough?
yes "anything we can imagine isn't it" and yes
"he who would save his life must lose it"
but what forgiveness when God Himself will not?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
we do our best to be righteous
and get fucked for trying
that the Source of All Life is more evil
than any invented devil could be is only part
of what breaks the soul with responsibilities for atonement
God's own will will deny us and punish us for...
"Love and do what you will and let God keep the books"?
we might as well die and go to perdition right here and now...
who but a devil could tell us to repent and then punish us
because nothing we do will ever be good enough?
yes "anything we can imagine isn't it" and yes
"he who would save his life must lose it"
but what forgiveness when God Himself will not?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
eternal twilight of spiritual defeat
the red sky of hell soothes the way
no blazing perpetual day of light
will ever be able to do...
our choice nothing but choosing a safe acquiescence
of a placid tyranny or suffering because we choose
to do right and found that this god has no use for anything
but His own murderous judgment....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the red sky of hell soothes the way
no blazing perpetual day of light
will ever be able to do...
our choice nothing but choosing a safe acquiescence
of a placid tyranny or suffering because we choose
to do right and found that this god has no use for anything
but His own murderous judgment....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
people become shells of themselves
when they're done living
but God isn't finished with them
and they must live on
souls destroyed a little more each day
until this evil power-mad
psychotic gangster is done with His vengeance
our only freedom of choice between suffering and suffering
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
when they're done living
but God isn't finished with them
and they must live on
souls destroyed a little more each day
until this evil power-mad
psychotic gangster is done with His vengeance
our only freedom of choice between suffering and suffering
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Monday, February 2, 2015
listening to the blues
is better than having a doctor
look after you
the blues is tough medicine
you take the prescribed dose
and learn what's afflicting you and maybe heal some
and even if it's fatal it is a more soothing
way to the grave than a priest could show you
in fact doctors and priests give me the blues
that's why I'd rather listen to Roscoe Holcombe's
Graveyard Blues than to some Ava Maria sung by
some overdramatic neurotic
the blues do not give me the blues
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
is better than having a doctor
look after you
the blues is tough medicine
you take the prescribed dose
and learn what's afflicting you and maybe heal some
and even if it's fatal it is a more soothing
way to the grave than a priest could show you
in fact doctors and priests give me the blues
that's why I'd rather listen to Roscoe Holcombe's
Graveyard Blues than to some Ava Maria sung by
some overdramatic neurotic
the blues do not give me the blues
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
pulling myself up
from a groggy nap
as if drunken
with a calm acceptance
of doom
hanging like a sweetness above the bed
the gray twilight darkens
and everything about me
seems subsumed back into some void
where random forms find definition
and become what they denote
and all one has to do is float
heedless of trouble and consequence
to become eyes looking out of the air
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
from a groggy nap
as if drunken
with a calm acceptance
of doom
hanging like a sweetness above the bed
the gray twilight darkens
and everything about me
seems subsumed back into some void
where random forms find definition
and become what they denote
and all one has to do is float
heedless of trouble and consequence
to become eyes looking out of the air
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
my head is aching
if it's not the deafness in the cacophony
of mendacity and self-interest
it's the misguided morality
that makes the sayer think he's superior
to the mess he thinks he's above...
bite my one is wholly guilty
or wholly innocent...but we are all culpable...
you are involved even if you stand aside
paring those famous fingernails...
disinterest does not save you anything...
and I know this beyond my power
to do anything makes my head want to explode...
less than I understand and more than I can handle....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
if it's not the deafness in the cacophony
of mendacity and self-interest
it's the misguided morality
that makes the sayer think he's superior
to the mess he thinks he's above...
bite my one is wholly guilty
or wholly innocent...but we are all culpable...
you are involved even if you stand aside
paring those famous fingernails...
disinterest does not save you anything...
and I know this beyond my power
to do anything makes my head want to explode...
less than I understand and more than I can handle....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
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