we're the last ones to know
where we will end up
we are the center of universes
that collide with the universes
of others and the silent judgment from on high
keeps silent...will judge with nothing to say...
while worlds collide and lives are over turned...
I just ate a whole box of chocolate chip cookies
and feel like vomiting...yes...even in this little
worldly scrimmage of appetite and transcendence
apocalyptic yowlings attend a belly-ache
and relief is contingent on relief
we're the last one to know and add to our grief
because we disavowed repentance and clung to our hungers...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
I learned my lesson years ago
and now those who belittled me
know what I'm talking about
you thought you were were blessed
you thought you were loved
and it didn't matter
to the agendas of the kings of the world
when they came to tear out your hearts...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and now those who belittled me
know what I'm talking about
you thought you were were blessed
you thought you were loved
and it didn't matter
to the agendas of the kings of the world
when they came to tear out your hearts...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
people take it easy
under their own sense of security
they know the deal
and if no one's bothering them
it's because they did nothing to
piss the powers-that-be off
but let them become complacent
and that arrangement will turn on a dime
"who me? I ain't done nothing"
"yes you did...you lived...
and sold out your freedom"
be a victim if you must
but know it didn't matter to the masters
who rely on your vanity and your fear...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
under their own sense of security
they know the deal
and if no one's bothering them
it's because they did nothing to
piss the powers-that-be off
but let them become complacent
and that arrangement will turn on a dime
"who me? I ain't done nothing"
"yes you did...you lived...
and sold out your freedom"
be a victim if you must
but know it didn't matter to the masters
who rely on your vanity and your fear...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the whole town's in lock down
I farted briefly before a camera
hidden somewhere on the street
and now the cops are pouring in
to track this offender down
Big Brother won
and enforces his right
to be the head of the gang
his mercy unfathomable
his power the vanity of an oldest child
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I farted briefly before a camera
hidden somewhere on the street
and now the cops are pouring in
to track this offender down
Big Brother won
and enforces his right
to be the head of the gang
his mercy unfathomable
his power the vanity of an oldest child
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Monday, April 29, 2013
a small point on an infinite curve—
this is your life—
your being—
and all you deserve—
you make its space
on your own—
and you inhabit it
with all you wish you had known
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
I am renewed!
fresh input from those I love
—and who love me
has finally sunken in
I know what to do
and what I need to learn
to do it
and to do it despite
whatever fate demands...
I do not fear what is to come
but I am apprehensive
and ready to see just how renewed
to stand in this awareness
and still be a moving marvel to myself...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I tell you—there is nothing to do but obey—
freedom is an illusion that kills—
everything moves in the vectors of its being—
and when we forget that and go off the rails—
that’s when the hoax of freedom
catches us up in the snares of perfection—
and we are bound tight to our own wreckage—
I tell you—there’s nothing to do but obey
and in that—is freedom…
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
elevated by
little more
than a shred of fantasy—
a tiny flapping web of tatters
from the masts of some metaphoric ship—
versus the fact
of distress to have
Cap'n Crunch at the wheel
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
even the ones I love best
have told me
to shut up and go home
they are gods and goddesses
in their own minds
and will brook no lesson
no confession and no acquiescence
to the objective facts
of an external objective Reality
and why should they hear me or anyone?
I too am a fool who thought
he brought Light when all he did
was shine a dimming flashlight
under some rocks in a cave...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
have told me
to shut up and go home
they are gods and goddesses
in their own minds
and will brook no lesson
no confession and no acquiescence
to the objective facts
of an external objective Reality
and why should they hear me or anyone?
I too am a fool who thought
he brought Light when all he did
was shine a dimming flashlight
under some rocks in a cave...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
you thought I died...
well I did
but only to myself...
the world spins on
everybody does their worse
and I've taken my place
in the crypt of
folly and belief...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
well I did
but only to myself...
the world spins on
everybody does their worse
and I've taken my place
in the crypt of
folly and belief...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
oh how easy to play the fool
just open your mouth
and care enough
and see how seriously
you'll be (mis)taken...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
just open your mouth
and care enough
and see how seriously
you'll be (mis)taken...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
no ears to hear
what has to be said
everyone thinks
they're gods and goddesses
in their own right
and would rather live
in the safety
of a holy delusion
than see their own part
in the hell we all
make of the earth...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
what has to be said
everyone thinks
they're gods and goddesses
in their own right
and would rather live
in the safety
of a holy delusion
than see their own part
in the hell we all
make of the earth...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Monday, April 15, 2013
we are gathered by starlight
each time we commune with the night
they hold our eyes
as the focal point
of where the heart never ceases
to want to be...
somewhere beyond the limits
of our sight
where awe bleaches the Unknowable
into brilliant light...
none believe this but fervently wish it
bathed in the dim shine of the stars...
so soothing after the exasperating day
of molten sunlight that scatters us...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
each time we commune with the night
they hold our eyes
as the focal point
of where the heart never ceases
to want to be...
somewhere beyond the limits
of our sight
where awe bleaches the Unknowable
into brilliant light...
none believe this but fervently wish it
bathed in the dim shine of the stars...
so soothing after the exasperating day
of molten sunlight that scatters us...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I’ve lost track of how many times
I’ve backslid into former ravings after a peek…
a foretaste…of all the sweetness sustaining me…
the loves I’m grateful for not having lost
in the solitary pinches of my hurt…
I don’t feel blessed in most of my waking life…
but I am fortunate beyond words to be surrounded
by those who have forgiven me my vices
and overlooked my shortcomings…
and given me the strength and wisdom and bravery
(if only for an instant) to love them…
and to know I am not apart in some merciless void…
in that fleeting instant I know…
and feel…what it is to be blessed…
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
not a clue how this atonement will go
but I know it involves an uphill rock
or even a fruit-laden branch lifting up
out of reach or some such tease
that others have previously endured
but had equal face to accept
(acceptance...oh that hardest of things)
and relate as a myth or a joke...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
but I know it involves an uphill rock
or even a fruit-laden branch lifting up
out of reach or some such tease
that others have previously endured
but had equal face to accept
(acceptance...oh that hardest of things)
and relate as a myth or a joke...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
if love and life
continue past our physical bodies
then why the worry and sorrow?
oh but then again
it's the not-knowing-how-
that belittles trust and
makes it almost impossible
to retain the higher perspective…
such is the trial of souls wearing skin…
minds veiled…true identities forgotten
for this and all earthly terms…
and this despite the whispering feeling
that done wrong shouts its dismay
if love and life
entail some forgiving then how hard
and strained that forgiving...a should-have-
known-better that you didn't...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
continue past our physical bodies
then why the worry and sorrow?
oh but then again
it's the not-knowing-how-
that belittles trust and
makes it almost impossible
to retain the higher perspective…
such is the trial of souls wearing skin…
minds veiled…true identities forgotten
for this and all earthly terms…
and this despite the whispering feeling
that done wrong shouts its dismay
if love and life
entail some forgiving then how hard
and strained that forgiving...a should-have-
known-better that you didn't...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
before I knew the whole scene was over
another one grew into all the old spaces
and I choose not to cling
to the old identity that was defined
by what had been...
I shook the strangeness off my mind
and carrying the wealth of memories that became
the content of my being
I went down the street
(age appropriate since those splendid creatures
I lusted for were young enough to be
daughters to me...but their mothers...
oh I remember them as fresh and mischievous
as their offspring now are...and still not so tame...)
and felt as though I entered a rift in time
where I was always charged to the full in my hungers
and ever ready to slice a piece of the sun off as my sweet fruit
and the nectar of blooming as my killer wine...
oh past my prime I may be
but a greater prime holds me now
and all the full fading of richness has its own
last fire through the veins in the vineyard of old
I no longer recognize except in the aromas
of the fresh buddings of these new scenes
that make all thing new...as given...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
another one grew into all the old spaces
and I choose not to cling
to the old identity that was defined
by what had been...
I shook the strangeness off my mind
and carrying the wealth of memories that became
the content of my being
I went down the street
(age appropriate since those splendid creatures
I lusted for were young enough to be
daughters to me...but their mothers...
oh I remember them as fresh and mischievous
as their offspring now are...and still not so tame...)
and felt as though I entered a rift in time
where I was always charged to the full in my hungers
and ever ready to slice a piece of the sun off as my sweet fruit
and the nectar of blooming as my killer wine...
oh past my prime I may be
but a greater prime holds me now
and all the full fading of richness has its own
last fire through the veins in the vineyard of old
I no longer recognize except in the aromas
of the fresh buddings of these new scenes
that make all thing new...as given...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
And here at last—facing the Ultimate Reality—
The life and death I cannot comprehend—
The life that is dying
The dying that is life
And all that lies between and beyond
That I cannot control
But for my own choice
Chosen for me—by me—from the imperatives of the One—
Nowhere near as merciful as we imagine
But All That Is—and that is All—
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
it's almost time to cry again
see sweet hopes fade
and sour truths entomb
the will that vainly tries
to do right and be holy
and winds up wrong
and at the mercy of his folly
and grows used to the wet cheeks...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
see sweet hopes fade
and sour truths entomb
the will that vainly tries
to do right and be holy
and winds up wrong
and at the mercy of his folly
and grows used to the wet cheeks...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
how lethal
the little daily pains
we all expect some
catastrophic eruptions of the heart
but really it is
just the tiny little pricks and depletions
that wear us down
and bear us away
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the little daily pains
we all expect some
catastrophic eruptions of the heart
but really it is
just the tiny little pricks and depletions
that wear us down
and bear us away
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
though we may have planned it
in some dark damp cave
poised to plunge
to the glowing hole
at the bottom of rippling pools
and emerge
cold and crying
held up like the Hanged Man
and slapped on the ass
to make sure the thing runs...
still in all the ensuing years
we do not remember when some cord
will be cut and we will descend once again...done...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
waking up from your childish religious beliefs
the hardest thing is realizing that 'God'
is not some loving forgiving being
but a cold hard unforgiving judge
who gouges all penitence out of you
like a steam shovel uproots the ground
of an old mansion to make way for a mall
and leaves all liability on your fear and ignorance
without one word on 'His' responsibility
for making creation as it is...
who created all beings to satisfy 'His' own vanity
then demands an absurd unquestioning obedience
to the impossible strictures of 'perfection'
and if you want to live forever you damn well better
lick the Divine Balls or else...
so much for lies of freedom
so much for our sincere stumblings trying
to realize the good mandated by such insane imperatives
and oh what hell this alleged 'God of Love' will give me
for daring to tell this crushing truth...
and the joke is all of us have a notion of right and wrong
that our personal daily trials task sometimes
beyond what we can rightly bear
and the only problem is that our sincerity is not 'perfect' enough
for this tyrant of love even when our very hard-earned humility
would incline us to adhere to those divine demands anyway...
and oh how the actuality of this ineluctable reality
makes one sorry for awaking up and leaving behind
the childish religions that gave such false comforts
to face such true privations stripping the soul to its bare acquiescence...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the hardest thing is realizing that 'God'
is not some loving forgiving being
but a cold hard unforgiving judge
who gouges all penitence out of you
like a steam shovel uproots the ground
of an old mansion to make way for a mall
and leaves all liability on your fear and ignorance
without one word on 'His' responsibility
for making creation as it is...
who created all beings to satisfy 'His' own vanity
then demands an absurd unquestioning obedience
to the impossible strictures of 'perfection'
and if you want to live forever you damn well better
lick the Divine Balls or else...
so much for lies of freedom
so much for our sincere stumblings trying
to realize the good mandated by such insane imperatives
and oh what hell this alleged 'God of Love' will give me
for daring to tell this crushing truth...
and the joke is all of us have a notion of right and wrong
that our personal daily trials task sometimes
beyond what we can rightly bear
and the only problem is that our sincerity is not 'perfect' enough
for this tyrant of love even when our very hard-earned humility
would incline us to adhere to those divine demands anyway...
and oh how the actuality of this ineluctable reality
makes one sorry for awaking up and leaving behind
the childish religions that gave such false comforts
to face such true privations stripping the soul to its bare acquiescence...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
everyone worships money and power
now that earthly law has ruled their mendacity legal
they cursed God and nothing struck them down
so they feel brave now to send families to their ruins
now they have joined the Control and can track
everyone's habits and indulgences
to a memory bank
(the ancient schoolmarm's threat
of a permanent record realized and fulfilled)
when you can be denied whatever you took to be
freedom and if no one knocks on your door
at midnight it only means you haven't pissed someone off
and this whole generation of automata think
this is absolutely wonderful and right
every generation it's own brand of idiocy and self-regard...
and the ancient fools like me of the old faith
those of us ever waiting for some deliverance from a just merciful God
we just sit dissolved in our lesson of what it truly means
to be liability for our own actions...oh fools...all of us...
we who cling to this era's illusion of evil as a given
and we who wait for a God to send plagues to show our enemies
we meant business...we all jerk off in a mirror...
whether claiming matter as our prize
or performing obeisance to the Original CEO...
the Original Gangster...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
now that earthly law has ruled their mendacity legal
they cursed God and nothing struck them down
so they feel brave now to send families to their ruins
now they have joined the Control and can track
everyone's habits and indulgences
to a memory bank
(the ancient schoolmarm's threat
of a permanent record realized and fulfilled)
when you can be denied whatever you took to be
freedom and if no one knocks on your door
at midnight it only means you haven't pissed someone off
and this whole generation of automata think
this is absolutely wonderful and right
every generation it's own brand of idiocy and self-regard...
and the ancient fools like me of the old faith
those of us ever waiting for some deliverance from a just merciful God
we just sit dissolved in our lesson of what it truly means
to be liability for our own actions...oh fools...all of us...
we who cling to this era's illusion of evil as a given
and we who wait for a God to send plagues to show our enemies
we meant business...we all jerk off in a mirror...
whether claiming matter as our prize
or performing obeisance to the Original CEO...
the Original Gangster...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Friday, April 12, 2013
people empty their pockets
hock their goods
hold hostage their families
for an attempt
at some big score
they think will solve their problems...
they'd hold all their winnings
in their very hands
if they didn't throw
so much on this crooked table...
wear a barrel home if you must
but you'll never realize if you must gamble
you're ahead if you break even...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
hock their goods
hold hostage their families
for an attempt
at some big score
they think will solve their problems...
they'd hold all their winnings
in their very hands
if they didn't throw
so much on this crooked table...
wear a barrel home if you must
but you'll never realize if you must gamble
you're ahead if you break even...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
it's a
long way
to get back
if you
don't know
where you've been...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
long way
to get back
if you
don't know
where you've been...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
complex and unsteady
so are the worlds we make
compared to the unfathomable
mysteries of life that sustains
our confusion when we're unready
for corrections we cannot take
our grief of acceptance unstable
and the emptiness all that remains
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
so are the worlds we make
compared to the unfathomable
mysteries of life that sustains
our confusion when we're unready
for corrections we cannot take
our grief of acceptance unstable
and the emptiness all that remains
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
another day digging on the shit pile
at the mercy of everyone except myself
but the layered slabs of cloud
on this gray morning
invigorate me like little else does...
I have no hatred of the earth
but only of the world we make of it
and God knows there's plenty of that to dig through...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
at the mercy of everyone except myself
but the layered slabs of cloud
on this gray morning
invigorate me like little else does...
I have no hatred of the earth
but only of the world we make of it
and God knows there's plenty of that to dig through...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
my narrator is quiet today...
even he knows I'm done
and is at a loss for words
to be my mouthpiece
to bewail the stupidity
that passes for my life...
and worse I'll outlive none
that know me
oh how the tales will fly...
all my evidence on me
like grave clothes
and not one other will know
how it looked to me...just see who critiques this
with all their echoes also fading...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
even he knows I'm done
and is at a loss for words
to be my mouthpiece
to bewail the stupidity
that passes for my life...
and worse I'll outlive none
that know me
oh how the tales will fly...
all my evidence on me
like grave clothes
and not one other will know
how it looked to me...just see who critiques this
with all their echoes also fading...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
oh tomorrow I'll regret
all my blasphemous rages
I'll be softer and kinder
and calmer than today
but even then
all damage underlies
the pitiful vows to amend
underneath every repentance
is still a pile of dirt
waiting for a shovel to inter you
and all the good you thought
you were doing is the crass joke
of souls who do not wish you well...
the Light too far away to be seen or to matter...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. all rights reserved.
all my blasphemous rages
I'll be softer and kinder
and calmer than today
but even then
all damage underlies
the pitiful vows to amend
underneath every repentance
is still a pile of dirt
waiting for a shovel to inter you
and all the good you thought
you were doing is the crass joke
of souls who do not wish you well...
the Light too far away to be seen or to matter...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. all rights reserved.
I hate it that assholes run the world
and I hate it that God lets them...
and I'm no better for being this way...
fuck 'em.. I know I have too long a way to go
to fix this or any attitude
but I believe in the impossible
and fuck the assholes who run this world
and screw the god that lets them...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and I hate it that God lets them...
and I'm no better for being this way...
fuck 'em.. I know I have too long a way to go
to fix this or any attitude
but I believe in the impossible
and fuck the assholes who run this world
and screw the god that lets them...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
how brave and principled
the hard-hearted and the stiff-necked
are when they can hide
under the name of 'anonymous"...
how easy to wreck lives
or take vengeance
when the smug and self-entitled
decide to get holy
pray not to God
He says He's responsible for nothing
(we'll leave that in a decent obscurity
before this bastion of Love destroys us...)
but your choice of how to handle this iniquity
will show you better or worse than your subject...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Phiulip Milito. All rights reserved.
the hard-hearted and the stiff-necked
are when they can hide
under the name of 'anonymous"...
how easy to wreck lives
or take vengeance
when the smug and self-entitled
decide to get holy
pray not to God
He says He's responsible for nothing
(we'll leave that in a decent obscurity
before this bastion of Love destroys us...)
but your choice of how to handle this iniquity
will show you better or worse than your subject...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Phiulip Milito. All rights reserved.
Monday, April 8, 2013
I knew I was going to love you
red flags flapped fiercely
a wind blowing from past lives
but what did we know?
what did we care?
we obeyed our present hungers
conditioned from so long ago
and ignoring all cautions
took that plunge
and joined with fingers and lips and tongues
to explore the old mystery
of lust and ecstasy to lead us
to an answer of paradise that could not match
the reality I would know in loving you...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
red flags flapped fiercely
a wind blowing from past lives
but what did we know?
what did we care?
we obeyed our present hungers
conditioned from so long ago
and ignoring all cautions
took that plunge
and joined with fingers and lips and tongues
to explore the old mystery
of lust and ecstasy to lead us
to an answer of paradise that could not match
the reality I would know in loving you...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the world is surreal
enough on its own
to give reassurance
that we live in the deep
trickster imagination
of some God
who laughs too much
at our expense
but silently
prods us to laugh also...
not quite getting the joke
but sure as shit tired enough
to go on being the butt...
Contwent (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
enough on its own
to give reassurance
that we live in the deep
trickster imagination
of some God
who laughs too much
at our expense
but silently
prods us to laugh also...
not quite getting the joke
but sure as shit tired enough
to go on being the butt...
Contwent (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
saw Leonard Cohen last night
at Radio City in New York
an amazing show
an unbelievable show
like the previous three times I've seen him
through the years
three plus hours at full vigor
but this show was deeper...more resonant...
the musicianship beyond superb...
each player a virtuoso
and his back-up girls
what angels should look and sound like
without driving the hearer deaf and blind...
how can a 78-year-old man
have so much energy
kneel on the carpet of the stage
and spring up like a man less than half his age...
and spry as he was who knows when the last tour will be?
God and women have been good to Leonard
and all I could do was follow as I've always done
eyes on the heavens and my neck in my hand
and my heart down some wistful healing chute...
Bravo Leonard...the fellowship of last night
is permanent in the soul...and another incentive
to take heart...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
at Radio City in New York
an amazing show
an unbelievable show
like the previous three times I've seen him
through the years
three plus hours at full vigor
but this show was deeper...more resonant...
the musicianship beyond superb...
each player a virtuoso
and his back-up girls
what angels should look and sound like
without driving the hearer deaf and blind...
how can a 78-year-old man
have so much energy
kneel on the carpet of the stage
and spring up like a man less than half his age...
and spry as he was who knows when the last tour will be?
God and women have been good to Leonard
and all I could do was follow as I've always done
eyes on the heavens and my neck in my hand
and my heart down some wistful healing chute...
Bravo Leonard...the fellowship of last night
is permanent in the soul...and another incentive
to take heart...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
it's not in my control
if I could I'd live more joyously
but I have this thing about the world
that it is a pale imitation of what life
really is
and it leaves its marks on your very being
and this bit of writing is mine
all liability...but no real control...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Miltio. All rights reserved.
if I could I'd live more joyously
but I have this thing about the world
that it is a pale imitation of what life
really is
and it leaves its marks on your very being
and this bit of writing is mine
all liability...but no real control...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Miltio. All rights reserved.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
I came so close
to figuring my place
in the scheme of things
that I'm sure I was mistaken...
the scheme of things nothing like
any imagining I or mine possess
except that I'm always 'so close'...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
to figuring my place
in the scheme of things
that I'm sure I was mistaken...
the scheme of things nothing like
any imagining I or mine possess
except that I'm always 'so close'...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
hapless to rage
useless to curse
may your current stage
not get any worse
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved
useless to curse
may your current stage
not get any worse
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved
thou art
a blast
from the dark
of the moon
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
a blast
from the dark
of the moon
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the ache
the treatment
but so certain
the despair
of needing
to deal
with all that
can be dismissed
no excuse
for this timidity
but every reason
for it
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the ache
the treatment
but so certain
the despair
of needing
to deal
with all that
can be dismissed
no excuse
for this timidity
but every reason
for it
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
as people age they feel wiser...steadier...
have they really learned wisdom
or have they just finally forgotten all the bullshit
and let them acknowledge at last what they've always known?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
have they really learned wisdom
or have they just finally forgotten all the bullshit
and let them acknowledge at last what they've always known?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
so you've awoken...
don't go thinking anything's been solved once and for all...
this much amendment you haver managed
because life can do nothing but impress its lessons
on you...like it or not...
and the sooner you like it the sooner you'll get over
your childish resentment and see
no one in the world has a clear shot at anything
and if anything humbling yourself to another's sorrows
will let you help them the more and help yourself
because you finally see the connection between you...
yes it's hard to give up what entraps you in your habits
but it's easier than you know to leave it and go on...awake...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
don't go thinking anything's been solved once and for all...
this much amendment you haver managed
because life can do nothing but impress its lessons
on you...like it or not...
and the sooner you like it the sooner you'll get over
your childish resentment and see
no one in the world has a clear shot at anything
and if anything humbling yourself to another's sorrows
will let you help them the more and help yourself
because you finally see the connection between you...
yes it's hard to give up what entraps you in your habits
but it's easier than you know to leave it and go on...awake...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
spring has finally popped around here...
the tiny struggling buds'll bloom
outright in the next few days
and once again again
the cycle renews and we'll either love it
or stay in our private winters...
and wish for a death that is nonexistent...
you'll pop in your own spring...whenever it will come...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the tiny struggling buds'll bloom
outright in the next few days
and once again again
the cycle renews and we'll either love it
or stay in our private winters...
and wish for a death that is nonexistent...
you'll pop in your own spring...whenever it will come...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
oh nothing is easy in the earth...
if you're looking for guarantees
of success for your spiritual endeavors
then you've missed the point entirely
but nothing is fatal or final
unless you'd have it so
but it's all on you...on each of us...
and choosing which way is not easy in the earth...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
if you're looking for guarantees
of success for your spiritual endeavors
then you've missed the point entirely
but nothing is fatal or final
unless you'd have it so
but it's all on you...on each of us...
and choosing which way is not easy in the earth...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
oh the wonder and the glory...
we're not off our own hook
but we know now it is our own hook
no God sitting in judgment
on our follies
we call ourselves out
and either clinging to the delusions
that got us into our fixes
or we see the chance to break out
not following any agenda of self-reform
but being a little wiser
about our moment by moment moral choices
and your choice is to perpetuate your nonsense
or go the way of wonder and glory...well?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
we're not off our own hook
but we know now it is our own hook
no God sitting in judgment
on our follies
we call ourselves out
and either clinging to the delusions
that got us into our fixes
or we see the chance to break out
not following any agenda of self-reform
but being a little wiser
about our moment by moment moral choices
and your choice is to perpetuate your nonsense
or go the way of wonder and glory...well?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
whatever the Divine Nature
and how I hate it sometimes
whatever the human outcome
of tending to such impossible concepts
whatever Reality morphs into its ultimate actuality
with every move we make by all the energy
and essence of God
this is the heavy consciousness of being
this is the wistful awareness of our teetering sorrows
buoyed by joy that is the substance of being
alive! ALIVE!!!
Goddamn it! this is what it is to be alive...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
whatever the Divine Nature
and how I hate it sometimes
whatever the human outcome
of tending to such impossible concepts
whatever Reality morphs into its ultimate actuality
with every move we make by all the energy
and essence of God
this is the heavy consciousness of being
this is the wistful awareness of our teetering sorrows
buoyed by joy that is the substance of being
alive! ALIVE!!!
Goddamn it! this is what it is to be alive...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
oh happiness for all
the times of the raging prophets is over
no more stinking wild men
coming out of the desert
to declare doom on the unholy
stating the obvious to the lost
who do not care and see these prophets
as the homeless whom they pass...eyes averted...
on their way to their money gigs
which as far as I'm concerned speaks for
the authenticity of these bringers of the Word
and even then while I contemplated a change of message
I saw Jeremiah trying to cut in front
of Isaiah on the soup line yesterday
and I thought
"what new dispensation?"
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the times of the raging prophets is over
no more stinking wild men
coming out of the desert
to declare doom on the unholy
stating the obvious to the lost
who do not care and see these prophets
as the homeless whom they pass...eyes averted...
on their way to their money gigs
which as far as I'm concerned speaks for
the authenticity of these bringers of the Word
and even then while I contemplated a change of message
I saw Jeremiah trying to cut in front
of Isaiah on the soup line yesterday
and I thought
"what new dispensation?"
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the days and nights are one now...
a day feels like a second
a week feels like a day
a month like a week
and a years like a couple of weeks
and things that would take no time to finish
seem like an unending process of no resolution...
the days and nights no longer matter
when you're working in an "ever-now"
that sees the arcing of the sun in the sky
as race against itself
sunset a few moments until sunrise yet again
and what is always now is an end of a race instead of
an outgoing process...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
a day feels like a second
a week feels like a day
a month like a week
and a years like a couple of weeks
and things that would take no time to finish
seem like an unending process of no resolution...
the days and nights no longer matter
when you're working in an "ever-now"
that sees the arcing of the sun in the sky
as race against itself
sunset a few moments until sunrise yet again
and what is always now is an end of a race instead of
an outgoing process...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
none of us has anything to be proud of...
as long as the veil of forgetfulness endures no tear
and the shield of flesh armors us against cold fact
we'll blame everyone but ourselves
for the lies we've wrought
and the acts of commission
that vouchsafe our destruction...
what good pride then that so easily falls?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
as long as the veil of forgetfulness endures no tear
and the shield of flesh armors us against cold fact
we'll blame everyone but ourselves
for the lies we've wrought
and the acts of commission
that vouchsafe our destruction...
what good pride then that so easily falls?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
"NOT ME..."
not so easy is it?
the template of creation is the Reality
but our acts make it the Actuality
so if it all fucks up
(as it always does)
we act like children
with dirty hands denying we made
a mess of the cookie jar...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the template of creation is the Reality
but our acts make it the Actuality
so if it all fucks up
(as it always does)
we act like children
with dirty hands denying we made
a mess of the cookie jar...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
as a woe-ridden Pisces
one astrologer assures me
"this is official your new...and better beginning..."
a break from the past
fresh new starts in directions
I feared or only dreamt of previously
and yet I'm still up to my eyeballs in shit
and somehow what I hope is above
is not reflected below
and if it truly is
then it is something I wish not to acknowledge
lest I lose all hope and further delay
any enlightenment that could
illuminate the way...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
one astrologer assures me
"this is official your new...and better beginning..."
a break from the past
fresh new starts in directions
I feared or only dreamt of previously
and yet I'm still up to my eyeballs in shit
and somehow what I hope is above
is not reflected below
and if it truly is
then it is something I wish not to acknowledge
lest I lose all hope and further delay
any enlightenment that could
illuminate the way...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Friday, April 5, 2013
tell someone you're alright
and they'll bust a hump
looking for ways to prove you wrong...
if people weren't such
pains in the ass
our Oneness wouldn't be such a trial
oh now what are you crying about?
it's a level field and we all have our stratagems...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and they'll bust a hump
looking for ways to prove you wrong...
if people weren't such
pains in the ass
our Oneness wouldn't be such a trial
oh now what are you crying about?
it's a level field and we all have our stratagems...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
after years of turmoil
regret and loss
things seem to be settling down...
now I'm really nervous
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
regret and loss
things seem to be settling down...
now I'm really nervous
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
they say I'm too sad
too angry
too too
well maybe they're right
and maybe they're wrong
but the way I figure it
the world is such tref
that even a gamble seems reasonable
so what if I'm over-aware
of all my wrongs
I laugh long and hard
when the joke is smart
it's not an evasion
it's a confrontation...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
too angry
too too
well maybe they're right
and maybe they're wrong
but the way I figure it
the world is such tref
that even a gamble seems reasonable
so what if I'm over-aware
of all my wrongs
I laugh long and hard
when the joke is smart
it's not an evasion
it's a confrontation...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
wonder all you like...
(or he)
is doing things
the rest of us would still be hung for
even in this day and age...
having the same fun
but paying on an unequal scale...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
(or he)
is doing things
the rest of us would still be hung for
even in this day and age...
having the same fun
but paying on an unequal scale...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
back on earth...
everything's different
though nothing has changed
poets are running out of words
to express divine turds...
those leavings that are creation
which contains within it its own destruction
back on earth
or up in the higher dimensions
nothing is different
yet everything's changed
damned if I or anyone in skin
could figure it out beyond wondering
how to play it...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
everything's different
though nothing has changed
poets are running out of words
to express divine turds...
those leavings that are creation
which contains within it its own destruction
back on earth
or up in the higher dimensions
nothing is different
yet everything's changed
damned if I or anyone in skin
could figure it out beyond wondering
how to play it...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
quiet now...
I am wet sand
on a wind-swept beach
feeling the breeze pass over me toward the sea
oh what poetic nonsense...
I'm sitting at a keyboard
putting a fake face
on my inertia...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I am wet sand
on a wind-swept beach
feeling the breeze pass over me toward the sea
oh what poetic nonsense...
I'm sitting at a keyboard
putting a fake face
on my inertia...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
you'd think this cat never ate...
please oh yowling master
let me finish this post
before I stuff your maw...
your genetic memory of ancient Egypt
is a modern day annoyance...
(think little walnut brain
how it would be
if you weren't
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All right reserved.
you'd think this cat never ate...
please oh yowling master
let me finish this post
before I stuff your maw...
your genetic memory of ancient Egypt
is a modern day annoyance...
(think little walnut brain
how it would be
if you weren't
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All right reserved.
oh Song of Songs
oh dance in the vineyards
oh matrimonial vows
oh loving under the new moon
I'm spiritual enough to be
at peace with my true wives
and earthly enough to love it
when the Bible tawks dirty...heh...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
oh dance in the vineyards
oh matrimonial vows
oh loving under the new moon
I'm spiritual enough to be
at peace with my true wives
and earthly enough to love it
when the Bible tawks dirty...heh...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
oh sweetie oh deary oh better half
cummy cummy licky cunny
the opportunities are few
and the pleasures fewer
unless we steal outright
each other's affections
and the less society knows
the better for us who have no need of it...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
cummy cummy licky cunny
the opportunities are few
and the pleasures fewer
unless we steal outright
each other's affections
and the less society knows
the better for us who have no need of it...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
raving one moment
calm and understanding the next
the Plan is ridiculously hard
and the liability on each of us untenable
but so it is decreed
it is the permanent dispensation
and each of us throw metaphysical dice
in some metempiric crap shoot
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
calm and understanding the next
the Plan is ridiculously hard
and the liability on each of us untenable
but so it is decreed
it is the permanent dispensation
and each of us throw metaphysical dice
in some metempiric crap shoot
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
joyful in all disasters...
life has always been tenuous at best
but nothing happens
except in the moment of its happening
and when it's gone it's forever yours in spirit anyway
fear death and the boulders will fall to block you
embrace life and the boulders will roll away
Christ Almighty...how many times must you be told this?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
life has always been tenuous at best
but nothing happens
except in the moment of its happening
and when it's gone it's forever yours in spirit anyway
fear death and the boulders will fall to block you
embrace life and the boulders will roll away
Christ Almighty...how many times must you be told this?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
come to me orphan of my mind
the faded childhood bleeds through
the apparent dotage
and the golden sunlight through the shades
mists like a shade of some determinative happening
now preserved as memory
a hurt from mother
an apprehension of some math test at school
or just a blank instant when there was nothing
but the instant with no other appendages
come to me now
whoever I was then
an orphan of my own mind
who now years later is different
and yet the same
old soul of youthful slights
niggling at any delusions of finality
come to me now
and lo...here I am...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the faded childhood bleeds through
the apparent dotage
and the golden sunlight through the shades
mists like a shade of some determinative happening
now preserved as memory
a hurt from mother
an apprehension of some math test at school
or just a blank instant when there was nothing
but the instant with no other appendages
come to me now
whoever I was then
an orphan of my own mind
who now years later is different
and yet the same
old soul of youthful slights
niggling at any delusions of finality
come to me now
and lo...here I am...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
the bad guys won...for now...
it may take a few hundred years
for the pendulum to swing backward
("what's a pendulum?" many may ask...)
and worse...what conditions that we set
by our actions will receive us in future earth lives?
meeting ourselves by suffering
that we caused others to suffer this time?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
it may take a few hundred years
for the pendulum to swing backward
("what's a pendulum?" many may ask...)
and worse...what conditions that we set
by our actions will receive us in future earth lives?
meeting ourselves by suffering
that we caused others to suffer this time?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
what hell will my last days in this life
be subjected to?
and who complain to
when all of my time are dying off
and the cogs of this infernal machine
are offended that I won't turn and mesh
the way they do? is there anyone out there
who remembers what it is to be human?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
be subjected to?
and who complain to
when all of my time are dying off
and the cogs of this infernal machine
are offended that I won't turn and mesh
the way they do? is there anyone out there
who remembers what it is to be human?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
once again I have a sense of being followed
tracked to my lair by someone's malevolent software
Christ Almighty
you can't even take a shit
without Interpol knowing about it...
and I refuse to think about
all the spam that will load my email
with offers of laxatives and acquiescence...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
tracked to my lair by someone's malevolent software
Christ Almighty
you can't even take a shit
without Interpol knowing about it...
and I refuse to think about
all the spam that will load my email
with offers of laxatives and acquiescence...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
believing in
the pre-existence of the soul
makes earthly living tough...
you're aware of more than
you can handle
and stymied by any attempts at action
for fear of what worse you can manage...
like a Hitchcock movie
where the camera pans over a scene
showing a calm surface of some gathering...
all the action a part of some mosaic of 'normalcy'
until the camera draws close to heavy drapes
and spots the tips of a pair of shoes
jutting out slightly from under the drapes...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the pre-existence of the soul
makes earthly living tough...
you're aware of more than
you can handle
and stymied by any attempts at action
for fear of what worse you can manage...
like a Hitchcock movie
where the camera pans over a scene
showing a calm surface of some gathering...
all the action a part of some mosaic of 'normalcy'
until the camera draws close to heavy drapes
and spots the tips of a pair of shoes
jutting out slightly from under the drapes...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I'm almost where I need to be
in my head...
but my head lives in a comfortable abstraction
while the rest of me
slogs through the world
like an ambulatory corpse
awaiting release into all I have to contend with
but more profoundly...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
in my head...
but my head lives in a comfortable abstraction
while the rest of me
slogs through the world
like an ambulatory corpse
awaiting release into all I have to contend with
but more profoundly...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
old man
looking for his
hot young soulmate...
a dream...
like criminals in prison
sending out personals
for companionship or complicity...
the word 'incarcerated' appearing with
unfortunate frequency...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
looking for his
hot young soulmate...
a dream...
like criminals in prison
sending out personals
for companionship or complicity...
the word 'incarcerated' appearing with
unfortunate frequency...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
no profit in being high-minded...
it's so easy to call out
the self-entitled
as being as clueless
as those they profess to oppose
smugness is not unique
no one has the market cornered on arrogance
nor a notion that one's actions are their own reward...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
it's so easy to call out
the self-entitled
as being as clueless
as those they profess to oppose
smugness is not unique
no one has the market cornered on arrogance
nor a notion that one's actions are their own reward...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
health stable
after many misadventures
ignoring many restrictions
and having a tasty hell of a time...
tell me God doesn't have a worse fate in store for me
heh heh
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
after many misadventures
ignoring many restrictions
and having a tasty hell of a time...
tell me God doesn't have a worse fate in store for me
heh heh
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
everybody has rights...
there's the sin and the shame of it
we act like gods and wind up
blinded like Phineus
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
there's the sin and the shame of it
we act like gods and wind up
blinded like Phineus
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
always I longed for escape
from where and who I am
imagine my self-consciousness
to discover (or finally admit
to be more accurate and honest)
there is no escape ever
there's nowhere else
and I'm always me...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
from where and who I am
imagine my self-consciousness
to discover (or finally admit
to be more accurate and honest)
there is no escape ever
there's nowhere else
and I'm always me...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
let some other fool school you
I'm too busy at the blackboard
writing 1,000 times
"oh what a fool I am oh what a fool I am oh what a....."
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I'm too busy at the blackboard
writing 1,000 times
"oh what a fool I am oh what a fool I am oh what a....."
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Monday, April 1, 2013
April Fool's Day
is for snarky amateurs
coveting the dim who covet
low-hanging fruit
maybe the outlanders
who didn't know the Georgian Calendar
moved the start of the year
to January (early evidence of humankind
imposing its power-mad ignorance
onto a natural harmony) were denounced
as dunces by those in on the switch
but what foolishness ever disregarded
justifies the cattle-like adherence to some ersatz king's
delusion...all fools equal in size...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
is for snarky amateurs
coveting the dim who covet
low-hanging fruit
maybe the outlanders
who didn't know the Georgian Calendar
moved the start of the year
to January (early evidence of humankind
imposing its power-mad ignorance
onto a natural harmony) were denounced
as dunces by those in on the switch
but what foolishness ever disregarded
justifies the cattle-like adherence to some ersatz king's
delusion...all fools equal in size...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
to have no other life than gossiping
about others
or adore the preening of non-entities
to fill a void while you clamor
for their blood the minute
they resemble you in a pathetic fall
oh I cannot count how many of you
can be stuffed into a tiny car
joy buzzers and squirt flowers
fall off you as you pull yourself
out of the not-so-smart-car
at center ring (nowhere else suitable
for your likes...or the hucksters
who accommodate and build you up
until they're done with you)
I'd be ashamed to eat cotton candy in front of you
it might remind you of your own shortcomings
or the schoolyard you endured in agony
as the ringmaster blew a tardy whistle
and everyone else limped back to class
with you in some bushes pants down around your ass like a clown...
Contenbt (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
about others
or adore the preening of non-entities
to fill a void while you clamor
for their blood the minute
they resemble you in a pathetic fall
oh I cannot count how many of you
can be stuffed into a tiny car
joy buzzers and squirt flowers
fall off you as you pull yourself
out of the not-so-smart-car
at center ring (nowhere else suitable
for your likes...or the hucksters
who accommodate and build you up
until they're done with you)
I'd be ashamed to eat cotton candy in front of you
it might remind you of your own shortcomings
or the schoolyard you endured in agony
as the ringmaster blew a tardy whistle
and everyone else limped back to class
with you in some bushes pants down around your ass like a clown...
Contenbt (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
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