but everyone's on my last nerve today
from God Almighty Himself down
to the least of His ambulatory cancers
from young pompous ignoramuses
who think their opinions matter
to old cranky know-it-alls (how I fear
becoming like them oh Christ no!!!)
bitter because they still resent what playmates they missed
while ignoring the bounty they had
from upwardly mobile snots who think
this whole world was created to serve them and their spawn
and who demand the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
be abolished so their little nosewipes will be protected
from Big Bad Reality
to the aging rebels whose drug use now is medicinal
rather than consciousness expanding
and whose anti-hero antics have become
the routines of circus clowns
given how completely the Bad Guys have taken over the Big Top
how utterly they've won in their conquest of our human freedoms
and how God Himself mandates this time in our history
with yet another soul-group entering the World
through the cunts of their chosen mothers
to atone yet again yet again
their sins against the all-poweful all-demanding One
so forgive me dear friends and readers
I'm yelling for help as I cling to a cliff edge
and God comes to put His foot full down
on my whitened knuckles
because I forgot to say 'pretty please?'
I'm tired and pained and bored
for one as vast and mysterious as the One
certainly is dull and predictable as gravity
and to endure
is to waste away like water in sand
Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito.
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