Monday, February 7, 2011

I wasn't about to go out looking

for what I knew would refuse me outright

so I dug--harder and deeper--

I learned to cultivated and put trust

in contingency--and a ready grip to deal--

whether it's pathological greed on the part

of men in daily business or the

unpredictable rages of weather and stresses climates

the first flares of anything going off

will see me gone--late moonlight shining in the door--

dark blur in the moonlit field--

at least prepare a peaceful place to die--

whether God allows me that is immaterial--

I will at least prepare it--for someone's use--

everything in its time--as long as I'm still

living in this skin--it's not my business

Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito.

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