soothe the disappointed
the world won't end when they want it to...
they're just going to have to live
they're just going to have to face what life is
I'll miss the old alibis
the fumbled lines tell-tale on the tongue
the moment of hesitation
that anyone simple as a child would notice
(and be as indiscreet as to point out
in front of everyone)
I'll miss hearing them
from someone squirming as deeply
as I or anyone else ever has
in front of Inquisitor X Y or Z
the final silence passing a loud judgment
I'll miss the pure bravado of being a human being
wearing his skin inside out every time
he passes the scenes of his crimes
that once jabbed and drew blood
but now are inspected like an elderly tourist
returning to the place of his first assignation
and remembering no detail other than the object
of his temptation...
even my guardian angels are no help
I beg for guidance
and they lead me through one pile of shit after another
what gamble did I risk and lose
for my own spirit guides
to fade my action?
so the worse is yet to be
how do you know?
go back to your bedroom and fap up a vision
I've lost my way many times
and found it again
or took another way
either way
I moved where I headed
and got where I was going
amazing how some can hear this piece of news
and be flabbergasted...
we will not broach any question tonight
you need to feel good about yourself
go betray someone else
I'm keeping still satisfied that no one you find
will forgive you...
no one believes you anymore
you should have hired new writers
you should have thought up new excuses
everyone's heard these before
time for a new location
time to travel or do you need to be told to get going while you can?
the ghost's shadow lengthens in the dark of the moon
give the game away
turn yourself for the reward but
no one heard
no one cares
and someone else claimed the money with your name and face
no wonder you hate being yourself
I really can't blame you...
many people are blind to their own truth
they hear nothing but blood rushing through
the capillaries of the ears
and pull themselves along that rope in the dark
or was it some divine muttering they couldn't understand?
in truth (any truth will do) it is absence of any certainty
that keeps us going forward
and any truth will affirm that...
the compounds of matter that make this world
(and all the worlds of conditioned creation)
are unstable by nature
your truth embodies you perfectly
do not dishonor it
do not be blind to it
it is only one of many
but it is the only one that's you
* * * *
Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito.