Friday, July 2, 2010




Nothing but blackness

As if the Outer Darkness
Were All

And the All



Last life glow
Aslant a narrow stone corridor--
Amber sheen on black-gray rock
Stretching toward the dark
Out of which I see


Assured of little
I guess beyond my prayers
--Mind too noisy to hear
The still inner voice reply


Nerves fray
From the mind's imperatives
--The spirit leaking out
From screaming dendrites



Assured of nothing
We paint a grimace
On the public mask
To see whose pity
We may take advantage of--

Certain then only
Of our assumption
Mercy's a


The steady mind withstands the winds
That swirl within the heart--

I have no such thing
And bend with each blow--

Blood drawing nonplussed limbs
Into the clinch of capitulation


Here trembles ex-lordly nerves--
Small demotions culminating
In an enormous shattering drop
Teaching this subject purity of prayer
And genuineness of contrition--

Learning for real how the Great serve
All--for All--
Abandoning the grand notions
By tiny innumerable breaks--

This withering rest
In the jitter of awareness


Hard to forgive
With your enemy still
Holding the blade to your throat--

Hard to forgive
Where hope has the heft of a breeze
Passing through a graveyard--

Hard to forgive
Who cannot forgive--contesting a faith
Not apparent in this unforgiving world


No prayer helps--

A moment's begging for blessing
Is overturned in the next moment's curse


Allow me to bypass my nerves
Which explode to undo
Any extended peace and calm
I can manage--

The undercurrent constant
And grief the perpetual lesson
Grief itself makes me
Too stupid to learn


How fear clutches my throat
When I imagine Your Will--
How the bottom drops away under my feet
With hope dashed and faith groundless--

Pleading for mercy brings its opposite--
And what heinous sin gouges such hard recompense from
What remains of my soul--

Here where fear and faith blow full blast
In my ordeal's foundry and fright and fortitude
Struggle on the foundation of my will--
I tense in this night

Of hooks and fire and headaches
Called up for this purifying scorching of
What remains of my soul--

In this dark night of Reckoning
May Your iron hand turn gold to heal
What remains of my soul--


Forgive a penitent's self-deluded prayer--

When vanity breaks
Spirit will remain still--silent--

Then will a penitent
Give honest tongue

If his wreck itself be the Grace--


In these long
Thorough days
Of tribulation
Love--like Grace
Is all the more
Sweeter and more precious--
Scarce almost to the degree that
Pain and hate are abundant
Hold to your soul
And your soul
To its Maker
During these long
Thorough days--

Let not consequence
Deter your purpose
And answer the Judgment
With forgiveness

[End of PART VI.]

Content (c) 2008-2010 Philip Milito.

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