I'm not free
but then no one is--
we are not something special
we are not something extra
we're just fools enamored of ourselves
we parade in our little fifteen minute slice of fame
we lord it over those like us who want to be beyond
all criticism and correction--
and rto talk to you? Lord
what a fool's errand that ever turns out to be--
so don't say it was ever thus--
we never done such volume of vanity and mendacity
before in this sad world that is nothing more
than a butcher shop that draws and quarters us
and we think in our endless self-centeredness
that we are immune to life
that we are above all others
that we are God and God loves a good latte
or an indulgent moment on the porn website
jerking off over a fantasy image
of what we want our true mates to be on the inside--
that is why I do not want to be alive
when whatever cataclysm hits--
can you imagine the darkness
that will fall on our delusions?
can you begin to comprehend how utterly
our world will collapse in a heap--
and so many of us in our dying moments
unbelieving the ruins from which our distress
utters its cry--just how sad and how frightening
our trip into the Bardos will be--
leave behind the only bodies of which we are aware
and facing the dull neutral afterlife
that will demand we pony up our repentance
for all hose vain ignorant bodies have wrought
on the pliant fabric of the All?
Content (c) 2008-2009 Philip Milito.