some new race is placed before us to be run
with patience
and panic--
growing aware of plenty of no time left
to get to where we always are--
here in these limited skins
that'll groan and bear full weight of the terrible consciousness
of the actual grinding of universal process
the bones that bear the flesh that envelope the organs that pump
the elemental sustenance
through the corporal body
that holds the mind and awareness
that this is us and all we do--
on every level through
each dimension--
we are always here in Creation
the Universe finishing and restarting
in each instant of our lamentable notion of linear time--
so here in the echo of the fired shot
here the course opens
and here we go
not moving a muscle--
no need to--
we are where we're going
patient because we're already there--
in a panic because
in these skins
we don't quite recall
where that is
Content (c) 2008-2009 Philip Milito.