Friday, March 29, 2013


the street corner cranks say

we live in the Anti-Christ's Time...

barring only the florid mythology

I can't say they're wrong

you can't do anything...can't walk down the street

can't go to the store without some spy camera

recording your every move...making note of your license plate number...

tracking you by computer to every place you visit

to target you for prizes...giveaways...interagency probes...

and they got there and control all infrastructure

by the indifferent consent of the average joe assholes

who'll never in this life master his hungers and feed his starved brain

grooming his children instead for a servitude to some infernal machine

that would take more to bring down than some naive idealists

suiciding themselves against the corporate fortresses

to become a useless symbol of opposition...

yes you can tell I am from another age when there were possibilities

to damage this complex...but even then your average joe asshole

sabotaged every effort to instill justice...and even helped the conquering powers

stay in power...and so on this Good Friday we remember

the ultimate rebel who was brought to death by these very traitors to life

and it is our lot to live in their clueless CEO's idea of a Millennium

in this treacherous conformity many truly think is Oneness

it's always been so...there have always been scabs...there have always been Judas...

but the technology these days make them truly invincible...

I'll waste no more time wondering why God allows this or anything

if the liability is truly on each of us then damn it do what you must

for this too shall pass is mighty cold comfort when it is your time

to endure this seemingly undefeatable evil...

cash in your soul why don't you for a heart of stone...

and a promotion code that will give you the chance to win

a million shares of dead soul points toward a heavenly reward

a limited time offer...void where prohibited...and certainly

a chance to shovel shit in some other bracket...Happy New Age my darlings...

Content (c) 20082013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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