Saturday, July 18, 2009

I should not write anything
when I'm distraught--

(the July 16th entry is good recent proof--
not the content of what I'm saying
but the hurried--even scattershot--way
of expressing the matter)--

but then it begs the question
of why bother to write anymore--

(...I've sat here for twenty minutes
trying to continue and can't really--
why bother indeed? for what purpose?
to what end? if no one gets it--or wants to---)

so people can read or hear what they want to read or hear--
I've been unfortunate enough to live to see

the only things I had to stand against
the murderous mindlessness of your average person
are gone--diminished and co-opted and made useless
by power-mongers so throughly and all-pervasively evil

that no idea of good can avail--I've lived too long--
and found the hard way God is no merciful protection--

I will keep this blog open a little longer--maybe write less--
wait for some notion to come to me on its own--if it does--
and then see if there's reason enough or WILL enough
to make anything of it--and if not then stop--

and who frankly would know or care--and why should they
if I myself no longer know or care why--

done done done done done done done done done
done done done done done done done done done done
done done done done done done done
done done done done done done done done done done done done done one

Content (c) 2008-2009 Philip Milito.

(and fuck the smart-ass who says "if he's done why copyright it?"
old habits die hard--just like you assholes...)

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